Posts tagged Uxresearch
Of UX, UI, User Experience, UX Research, Design, Design Thinking & everything in-between

While UX is not rocket science and that is where also the problem lies. It gets complicated when spoken in one breath 'UX/UI'. There is a lot of confusion between the terms Design/UI/UX/UX-design/UX-research for people outside the domain. Here is a short write-up on the state of the industry.

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5 things I learned while working as a design researcher

I recently completed one year of being a design researcher at Turian labs. This is my first job after graduating as a designer. Throughout this journey, I have worked on multiple projects of noticeable scale encompassing elaborate deliverables. I have intuitively discovered my working style by adapting to the interdisciplinary nature of design research, observing my colleagues, and making the right mistakes. Here are a few things that I have incorporated into my working style.
1. Role of planning-artifacts in smarter project journeys
2. Say yes to an exciting challenge, always!
3. Clear communication is paramount
4. Dealing with conflicts
5. Delegating work

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The interplay of attention and perception

When it comes to decision making, a user’s perception plays a pivotal role. However good your product/app/website has been designed; If the perception is not managed correctly, the entire effort is an absolute waste. This article has been triggered by Dr. Tim Holmes’ presentation as part of our D’IVE series. Dr. Holmes illustrated how the slightest change in visual design can become the difference between whether elements are being seen, understood and selected or not.

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