Posts in Methodology
5 Important Concepts of Design for every 'Non-Designer' Design Thinking Practitioner

Design Thinking emanated out of Industrial Design. The complex world of design had to be flattened out into seemingly few simple steps for the wider businesses and organizations to adopt it. Thousands have lined-up taking myriad online courses on Design Thinking. But many have already realized that ‘online learning’ is nowhere close to ‘hands on’ experience. It is like taking swimming lessons ‘online’ without dipping into the pool. However, now that we have some critical mass of early practitioners of Design Thinking ready, it is important that a few advanced concepts that have been the corner-stone of Design practice all this while, are understood and practiced.

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Beyond Empathy: Introducing Kedging - A Technique for Future Proofing Innovation

Turian Labs has figured out ‘Kedging’ as a process for future proofing your innovation strategy.  Kedging is derived from nautical engineering and it refers to pulling a ship away from the shore, when it gets stuck in shallow waters, by throwing an anchor far into the sea and pulling the ship towards the anchor. Social and technology megatrends act as an ‘anchor for the future’ for the business. It means ‘anticipating the mind’ of the customer, also referred to as ‘anticipatory design’ in design parlance.

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